About the Journal

alaysian E Commerce Journal is the leading refereed quarterly devoted to advancing the understanding and practice of electronic commerce. It serves the needs of researchers as well as practitioners and executives involved in electronic commerce. The Journal aims to offer an integrated view of the field by presenting approaches of multiple disciplines. Electronic commerce is the sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by digital means over telecommunications networks. The Journal accepts empirical and interpretive submissions that make a significant novel contribution to this field.

Malaysian E Commerce Journal has been created to allow researchers, academicians and other professionals an agile and flexible channel of communication in which to share and debate new ideas and emerging technologies concerned with this rapidly evolving field. Business practices, social, cultural and legal concerns, personal privacy and security, communications technologies, mobile connectivity are among the important elements of electronic commerce and are becoming ever more relevant in everyday life. MECJ will assist in extending and improving the use of electronic commerce for the benefit of our society.

Malaysian E Commerce Journal is published biannual. The intended audience includes academicians, researchers and professionals in computer science, information management, telecommunications, business administration, sociology, law, financial services, as well as specialists in the field of electronic commerce.